Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Reward Game

So we took the game offline again as it is still broken and buggy :(

We hope to get time to fix the small things and add a singleplayer mode.
I honestly don't know when that will happen but hopefully not too late

Here's a trailer for the game:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kickstarter logbook entries

A collection of the illustrations I have done for our Kickstarter campaign.

If you like epic fantasy then feel free to drop by the campaign: HERE

And if you like the project then any kind of support means a lot to us!

Thank you

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Reward - Tales of Alethrion

Heres the fun little illustration of the backer rewards at the kickstarter project "The Reward - Tales of Alethrion".
I did this drawing together with Mikkel Mainz and Bo Juhl Nielsen my good friends and brothers in arms.

The Kickstarter campaign is HERE

We are trying to develop the short film "The Reward" into an epic series!!

Please help us by spreading the word so we can make this project a reality!